Pourover Basics
You may or may not know that we offer Pourover style coffee at Luna Caffe. Pourover has been picking up in popularity over the past 5 years in the coffee world. The method is simple, even “old school” by some standards. Simply pour hot water by hand into a cone over a cup. Though the technique is simple, the taste is profound. Pourover coffee consistently has more complex notes than drip or french press coffee. It’s like an amplifier for coffee. Subtle nuances and flavor profiles are simply more pronounced with pourover.
Pourover also allows the barista to have more control over the flavor of the cup. Because it’s done by hand the barista can pull out different elements of the bean by controlling the speed and amount of water poured.
If you love coffee, you have to try pourover. Next time you come in just ask to prepare your favorite bean with our pourover cone. You won’t be dissapointed.
Here’s a great video on pourover technique from coffee mogul, and former Counter Culture President, Peter Giuliano.